Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump

In an article on Jan. 6, 2021, The Wall Street Journal, and New York Post published editorials questioning Mr. Trump’s actions. The editorials cited several instances of Mr. Trump’s defamation and alleged collusion with the Russian government. The editors concluded that Mr. Trump had violated the Constitution, but did not go further. The editorials were published after the president’s inauguration.

Rupert Murdoch’s media empire

It’s not a coincidence that Rupert Murdoch’s media empire has abandoned Donald Trump. Murdoch and his brothers Lachlan have been in the business for decades, and their media empire is a key part of Trump’s electoral strategy. They want to see the new administration ease restrictions on the media, including the Los Angeles Times. But that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon. But it’s a good time to ask ourselves a few questions.

If Rupert Murdoch’s media empire doesn’t want the US president to win the election, he should abandon the Sun God. He’d have been a better match for Trump. In fact, it’s been reported that Rupert Murdoch’s daughters, Ivanka and Rubio, helped oversee a trust fund for Murdoch’s kids. But Murdoch’s media empire has been known to favor its friends in politics, and Rupert Murdoch may be no different.

Rupert Murdoch’s relationship with Donald Trump

Although there’s no proof of a romantic relationship between Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump, their past relationship is quite revealing. The billionaire has a long history with the Trump family, including double-dating with Ivanka and Jared Kushner. Murdoch was married to Wendi Deng and had daughters with her. Jared and Ivanka often appeared on Fox News, and Ivanka was also a trustee for Murdoch’s $300 million fortune that the two men set aside for their daughters. Their relationship is so deep, in fact, that Gwenda Blair, the Trump’s former advisor, believes that the Trumps and Murdoch have a close connection.

While Rupert Murdoch has supported many conservative candidates, he has also endorsed some liberal candidates, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. However, his recent editorials are unlikely to represent a radical change in thinking. The relationship between Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump extends beyond the world of business. In fact, Murdoch is considered an unofficial adviser to the Trump campaign and supports many of his policies.

Rupert Murdoch’s media wizard

Fox News’ chief executive officer says that Rupert Murdoch has resigned from the White House over the Trump-Russia scandal. “This has come as a surprise to everyone,” Murdoch told Vanity Fair in a recent interview. “The reason behind the resignation is simple: Fox isn’t getting any ratings from Trump.” It’s not clear whether the Trump-Russia scandal is a criminal matter or not.

The news outlet hasn’t attacked Trump publicly since Jan. 6. In contrast, the Murdoch-owned Journal and Post have been blasted by Trump. While Trump has yet to comment on the issue in person, Fox is merely abandoning Trump. The media giant has tried to distance itself from Trump before, and has failed to do so this time. Clearly, Rupert Murdoch has lost his enthusiasm for the president-elect.

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