Hardalias: Trade reviving in Achaia and Thessaloniki - OPAP agencies open

The reviving of retail in Achaia and Thessaloniki, but not in Kozani, proclaimed the Deputy Minister of Civil Defense and Crisis Organization Nikos Hardalias. At the same time, he proclaimed a small upsurge in the number of persons who can be originate in the very large supplies, as well as the inaugural of OPAP agencies .In specific, from Monday, April 12 , the profitable stores in Achaia will function with both the click away and clack inside approaches, continuously by selection.


Though, the number of citizens who can be confidential a store has increased. Specifically, the maximum of 20 people is detached and now the ratio is as follows: The marketplace in Kozani remains suspended due to the burdened epidemiological picture.


At the same time, Nikos Hardalias proclaimed the reviving of OPAP agencies with the exclusion of OPAP play and coin- operated gambling.


It is value noting that once requested whether the obligation to have an selection for shopping in supplies will be abolished, Van Papaevangelou responded that the subject was elevated by the government in the Group of Specialists, though it was arbitrated that the heavy epidemiological load in many areas country, such as Attica, fixes not allow such a object at the instant. He noted, though, that the issue would be reassessed at a approaching Command meeting.


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