What is Dark Energy and Dark Matter?

Have you ever heard about what is dark energy and dark matter? If not, then let’s take a brief look what these two terms mean. When talking about what is dark energy, what actually comes into play is what is known as a “cosmological” or “energetic” explanation. Now what is this mean?


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Well, what is dark energy made of in the first place is what is known as a “psi.” This is a constant energy field that vibrates. The solar system is a perfect example of what is dark energy made of as we know from Einstein’s theory of relativity. In fact, there are many other ways in which we can describe what is dark energy and dark matter, but we will save those for another time.


However, what is dark matter anyways? Well, what is dark energy made of in relation to what is dark matter and what comes from outer space is what is known as “antimatter.” Now what is this antimatter and what does it do? Well, what is antimatter is what makes the balance in everything from the atom up to stars and beyond. So what is dark matter and what does it do?

Well, what is dark energy made of and what is dark matter? Well what is dark energy made of is what is known as dark matter, what is against what is light, what is in between and all of that. Now what is dark matter? It is what is the reason why stars move as they do and other celestial bodies evolve the way they do. It is what is causing the vacuum between planets and what is causing black holes to form.

How can we better understand what is dark energy and what is dark matter? Well what is dark energy made of and what is dark matter, is that what makes an egg yolk dim, what makes night air smell bad and what is causing stars to move. It is what is making stars appear, what is causing planets to orbit the solar system and what is causing the Universe to exist in the first place. That’s right; it is all according to science and what is dark energy made of is what is causing dark matter to make the Universe exist.

Now, what is dark energy made of and what is dark matter, is what is causing cancer, what is causing the increase in blood pressure and what is causing all manner of heart diseases. All because of what is dark energy and what is dark matter? They are one and the same and we only know about what is dark energy due to the fact that a satellite goes up and surveys it and brings back data which is sent back down the line to be studied. There is no way anyone can get away from what is dark energy or what is dark matter unless you go looking for a star in the night sky and find it by hand.

The truth is what is dark energy and what is dark matter is all around us, all we have to do is look. We should never look for what is dark energy or what is dark matter out of our own solar system. It just does not exist and we need to forget about it because it is just not a good thing and what is dark energy made of is energy produced at the atomic level. That’s right, there is nothing outside of the solar system that produces what is dark energy and what is dark matter. Which means, the sun does not make what is dark energy and what is dark matter, but what is dark energy produced within the solar system.


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Why is this important? Because what is dark energy made of is energy from something that is killing us and what is dark matter, which is energy from a dying star or black hole that is sucking up all the gas and cooling the earth and what is dark energy created from this dying star. This makes me very sad because what is dark energy and what is dark matter is all around us and they are both deadly and we need to fight against them as we do any other enemy. The good news is we do not need to understand what is dark energy or what is dark matter at the atomic level because what is dark energy made of and what is dark matter are both deadly enemies to our existence as human beings and they need to be fought and defeated like all other enemies throughout history. Please consider this in 2021. If you have any comments or questions please shoot me an e-mail.