For a physician who specializes in treating patients with voice problems, I regularly record my patients talking. For me personally, these records are incredibly beneficial. They let me monitor little changes in their own voices from visit to see, also it helps affirm if voice or surgery treatment contributed to improvements.

Nevertheless I am surprised by how hard these sessions could be for my patients.
“Do I really sound like this?” They wonder, wincing.
(Yes, you really do.)

Some become unsettled they deny outright to follow the recording — even less go within the subtle changes I wish to highlight.
The distress we’ve got over hearing our voices in sound recordings is most likely because of a mixture of psychology and physiology.
For starters, the noise from a sound recording is transmitted differently into a mind than the noise generated when you speak.
When listening to a recording of your voice, the sound travels through the atmosphere and right into your ears what’s known as”atmosphere conduction.” These bones subsequently transmit the sound vibrations to the cochlea, which stimulates nerve axons that deliver the sensory signal into the mind.

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However, when you speak, the sound from your voice reaches the inner ear in a different way. While some of the sound is transmitted through air conduction, much of the sound is internally conducted directly through your skull bones. When you hear your own voice when you speak, it’s due to a blend of both external and internal conduction, and internal bone conduction appears to boost the lower frequencies.
For this reason, people generally perceive their voice as deeper and richer when they speak. The recorded voice, in comparison, can sound thinner and higher pitched, which many find cringeworthy.