Sylvester Stallone Bio, Facts and Family

Sylvester Stallone has was given the highest honor of induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but has his accomplishments in sports and movies covered it? While Sylvester Stallone has achieved considerable fame throughout his film and theater career, he is also well recognized for being one of the best athletes of all-time. His extensive bodybuilding regimen has paid off in spades, not only in his acting prowess but also in his total prize-winning physique, which include six Olympic gold medals, as well as numerous other awards and accolades. In fact, many consider him to be one of, if not the greatest all-around athletes of all time. Sylvester Stallone’s achievements in both sports and movies have earned him an impressive Net Worth of approximately 3.2 million dollars.

Sylvester Stallon


Sylvester Stallone was born in Louisiana and moved to California at a very early age. His childhood home was a home for foster children, which served as the setting for much of Stallone’s childhood acting. Stallone began attending the Church of the Holy Family in staged plays and singing, while attending the University of Southern California. He then attended the University of Alabama, where he would play football for the Crimson Tide. Stallone’s playing career spanned parts of four decades, during which he won the National Championship twice – once with the Arizona Cardinals, once with the Dallas Cowboys.


Sylvester Stallone’s most well-known role was as Rocky Balboa in the films” Stallone” and “Rocky” for which he received three Academy Awards and three Golden Globes. Sylvester Stallone also had some smaller roles in movies such as “Dazed and Distressed,” and “The Replacements.” Throughout his acting career, Stallone often performed different characters – sometimes the same character – in different films. For example, he portrayed President Grant in “Rocky II.” He also returned to his Rocky role for the later sequels, “ysis,” Apollo 13.” Stallone has appeared in a number of video games as well, including “Dune,” “Resident Evil: extinction,” and “Metal Gear Solid.”


Stallone’s notable absence from the video game world stems from his vocal cords being injured in an auto accident when he was seventeen years old. The injury resulted in a condition where his vocal chords were never completely recovered, and it took him several years to recuperate. As a result, he never had the opportunity to voice his opinion on video games, movies, and music. It was not until he was thirty that he voiced his displeasure over the lack of video game and movie releases.


Sylvester Stallone’s father, Rocky Stallone, was a professional boxer in the nineteen fifties. He won the world heavyweight championship three times and became famous as the “Rocky Balboa.” Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Lynette Shelton, was a talented actress in her own right. She also worked with the famous director Stanley Spielberg on “A Christmas Story.” Stallone learned many of his acting skills from his father, including blocking, preparing scripts, and taking dictation.

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Stallone went on to work on and produce several films after he completed his first film, “Rocky IV.” Those were some of the early films in which Stallone demonstrated good form, and even gained notice from Hollywood insiders as someone who could do more than play the dad of a teenage starlet. Over the next few years, Stallone did not star in any films directed by Stallone’s father. Instead, he focused more on producing his own films, although he always retained a relationship with Stallone and dated one of his daughter Holly Grant.


Stallone’s daughter, Shana, is now married to former professional football player turned actor Antonio Banderas. Stallone has said that his relationship with his father is like that between his son and daughter. He has described his father as loving but also tough. Stallone has said many times that his father taught him to accept himself. Sylvester Stallone has also said many times that his father instilled in him the belief that success should not be based on who your father is, but rather on how you act. As a result, Stallone has been able to reach millions of people around the world.


Sylvester Stallone is currently starring in two more movies, “Million Dollar Baby” and “Cable Guy.” His other films have also shown positive results. His latest is “The Expendables,” which has become one of the highest grossing films of all time. Hopefully we will see many more great movies from Sylvester Stallone. He has proven that he is an incredibly talented actor.

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