Katie Price Gives A Heartbreaking Warning To Men Who Are Trying To Date Her Through Social Media

Katie Price has taken to social media to warn men who are trying to date her that they need to be “very careful.” The 41-year-old mother of five shared a screenshot of a conversation she had with a man on Instagram, in which he asked for her phone number.

“I’m so sorry but I don’t give out my number to people I don’t know,” she replied. “If you want to get to know me then you’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way and ask me out on a date.”

It’s not the first time Katie has spoken out about being bombarded with messages from strangers on social media, and she’s previously admitted that it can be “scary” at times.

“I get so many creepy DMs and it’s actually really scary,” she wrote in another Instagram post last year. “I know some people might think I’m asking for attention but I’m not, I’m just warning other women out there that this happens all the time.”

If you’re one of the many men who have been messaging Katie Price on social media in the hopes of scoring a date, you might want to think twice. The 41-year-old mother of five recently took to Instagram to warn men that they need to be “very careful” when trying to date her through social media.

Sharing a screenshot of a conversation she had with a man on Instagram, Katie explained that she doesn’t give out her number to people she doesn’t know and that the only way to get to know her is “the old-fashioned way” by asking her out on a date.

Katie’s warning has come after she has previously admitted that she can be overwhelmed and “scared” at times with all the messages from strangers that she receives. Her message is not only important for internet safety but also serves as a reminder of how quickly things can escalate and become incredibly dangerous if we don’t take the right precautions when engaging in online relationships.

Who is Katie Price?

Katie Price is known for her public persona and her outgoing personality. The British model and television personality have been in the public eye for over two decades, and she is now turning her attention to social media. She is using her platform to warn men who are trying to date her through social media that they need to be careful.

Price has been open about her tumultuous love life, and she has been married three times. Her first marriage was to pop singer Peter Andre, and the pair had two children together. They divorced in 2009. She then married cage fighter Alex Reid, but they divorced after just one year. Her most recent marriage was to Kieran Hayler, with whom she has two children. They announced their split earlier this year.

Through her marriages and relationships, Katie Price has learned a lot about dating and relationships. And she wants to share that knowledge with the men who are trying to date her through social media. She recently took to Twitter to post a warning to those men.

“So many guys message me on here thinking they can just string me along,” she wrote. “I’m not interested in any of that.”

Katie Price Gives A Heartbreaking Warning To Men Who Are Trying To Date Her Through Social Media

She continued: “If you want to date me then you need to be honest from the start, otherwise you’re wasting your time.”

Katie Price’s advice is simple but important: if you’re looking for a serious relationship, be honest from the start. Don’t try to string someone along or play games with them. Price is clearly serious about making sure men stay honest and respectful when it comes to dating her.

Why Katie Price Has a Warning for Social Media Suitors

Over the years, Katie Price has been open about her relationships with men, both in the public eye and through social media. In recent years, she’s taken to social media to find dates and relationships, but now she has a warning for those men who are trying to date her through social media.

Katie Price is no stranger to the ups and downs of love. She’s been married three times and has had a number of high-profile relationships. In recent years, she’s taken to social media to find dates and relationships, but now she has a warning for those men who are trying to date her through social media.

Katie Price warned potential social media suitors that “it doesn’t work out” when you try to date someone online without ever meeting them in person. She shared her story in hopes of warning others who might be considering starting a relationship with someone they’ve never met.

Price explained that she’d recently been talking to a man online who seemed perfect on paper. He was good-looking, successful, and seemed to have his life together. They chatted online for months before he finally asked her out on a date. But when they met in person, things quickly fell apart.

It turns out that the man wasn’t quite as he appeared online. He was pushy, rude, and completely different from the person she thought she knew. The experience left her feeling upset and frustrated, and she warned others not to make the same mistake.

Online dating can be an exciting way to meet new people, but it’s important to exercise caution. It’s easy for people to present false versions of themselves online, so if you do choose to date someone you’ve met online, take your time and get to know them before getting too invested in a relationship.

The Warning Itself and Why It’s So Important

Katie Price recently spoke out about the dangers of online dating, specifically for men who are trying to date her through social media. In a candid Instagram post, Price warned men that they need to be “very careful” when messaging her on social media, as she has been “catfished” multiple times.

Price went on to explain that she has had multiple men pretend to be someone they’re not in order to try and start a relationship with her, which can be extremely dangerous. She urged any men who are thinking about trying to date her online to do their research and make sure they are speaking to the real Katie Price before doing anything else.

This warning is so important because many people are unaware of the dangers of online dating. Catfishing is a serious problem that can lead to emotional manipulation and even physical harm, so it’s crucial that everyone takes measures to protect themselves. If you’re thinking about trying to date someone you’ve met online, make sure you do your research first and always communicate with caution.

How This Relates to the Wider Issue of Online Dating

There are a lot of alarming statistics out there about the state of online dating. For example, a recent study by the Pew Research Center found that one in five adults ages 25-34 has used online dating, with numbers even higher for adults ages 18-24. And although lie detection technology has come a long way, research suggests that people are still lying about themselves on their dating profiles, with men being more likely to do so than women.

All of this paints a pretty grim picture of online dating. But it’s not all doom and gloom. There are plenty of success stories out there of people who have met their soulmates online. And as more and more people rely on technology to connect with others, we’re likely to see even more success stories in the future.

So what does all this mean for Katie Price? Well, it’s hard to say. On one hand, she’s right to be cautious about meeting someone online. On the other hand, there are millions of people out there who are looking for love, and many of them are using online dating sites to help them find it. As long as she is careful and uses her common sense, there’s no reason why Katie Price can’t find love online like so many others have before her.

Tips on Making Sure Your DMs Don’t Meet the Same Fate as Katie’s Suitors

1. Don’t slide into her DMs.

2. Don’t send her unsolicited photos.

3. Don’t be a creep.

Katie Price Gives A Heartbreaking Warning To Men Who Are Trying To Date Her Through Social Media


Katie Price’s heartbreaking warning to men who are trying to date her through social media is an important reminder that we all should be more mindful of how we use social media. We must take her message seriously in order to create a safer space for both women and men online. It is also vitally important that those looking for romantic connections take the time to build genuine relationships with people in real life, rather than relying solely on digital connections.