Recent reform in China has dropped back on strict architecture and construction rules as first required by pioneer Xi Jinping. Though Jinping’s first complaints regarding the”bizarre” buildings started popping up across 2014, based on, the structure of”ugly” and”bizarre” buildings has officially been placed under strict limitation.

The statement was made by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China at the”2021 New urbanization and urban-rural integration growth crucial jobs” notice previous month. The decree doesn’t explain what qualifies as”nasty” or”satisfying” to the eye, but will not define that”superb high-rise structures across 500 meters” are illegal too.

The note encourages the execution of”new age” building guidelines which are”related, green, economical, and beautiful.”

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“A year of particular value in the practice of nation’s modernization drive, directed by Xi Jinping, the chief of the Communist Party of China,” that the NDRC record states.

Before in 2014, Xi Jinping, in a language in a literary symposium in Beijing, expressed his distaste for special structure, such as that of architect Rem Koolhaas’s CCTV headquarters in Beijing, also requested the country set a halt to”bizarre” structures popping up in China, according to WSJ.