Concept Mapping: Helpful For Business Growth

The world of business is constantly changing and businesses need to adapt to the conditions. Business concepts are usually broad and leave it up to clients to work out how they detail their business accounts or where they can space out aspects of their business needs in general, but concept mapping allows them to pinpoint exactly what they are looking for, helping them grow.

Introduction of concept mapping

Since its inception, the family tree concept map has been seen as a powerful tool for business growth. Its ability to fuse together different knowledge sources and build a clear picture of a problem or opportunity has helped innumerable organizations make better decisions. While concept mapping is not new, the resurgence in its popularity suggests that businesses are beginning to see the value in using it to shape their future. Here are four reasons why you should consider adopting concept mapping for your next business venture:

  1. Concept mapping can help you identify problems and figure out solutions – One of the biggest benefits of concept mapping is its ability to quickly identify problems and figure out solutions. By building a network of related concepts and linking them together, you can quickly find patterns and connections that may have gone overlooked before. This is particularly helpful when it comes to identifying gaps in your knowledge or understanding of a situation.
  2. Concept mapping can help improve problem solving skills – With practice, concept mapping can help you improve your problem solving skills. By building your networks carefully and systematically, you can train your brain to process information more efficiently and come up with novel ideas more easily. This is especially valuable when it comes to working with messy or complex data sets or scenarios.

What is it used for?

Businesses use concept mapping to process and organize information. The process helps businesses identify and understand the relationships between different concepts, ideas, and data. This can help businesses make better decisions and plan future actions.

A good way to start your concept mapping process is by brainstorming a list of topics that interest you. Once you have a list, you can start groupings related to these topics. 

The next step is to create your network diagram. A network diagram is a visual representation of how concepts are related to one another. The goal is to see all the relationships that exist between these concepts and how they might impact business strategy.

Once you have created your network diagram, it’s important to review it and pinpoint any potential gaps in your knowledge. Concepts that you didn’t include in your brainstorming might be important for your business. By including them in your concept map, you can better assess their potential impact on strategy. 

Concept mapping is an efficient way for businesses to process and organize information. By using brainstorming and network diagrams, businesses can identify relationships between different concepts and make better decisions about future actions.

Useful tips for using Concept Mapping

If you’re not familiar with concept mapping, it’s a fantastic way to help organize your thoughts and ideas. You can use it for anything from understanding your business model to developing product ideas. 

Here are six tips for using concept mapping to boost your business growth.

  1. Start with an overarching idea. When you first start working on a concept map, it can be helpful to start with an overarching idea of what you want to learn or understand. What is the big picture? This will help you focus on the important bits of information while excluding details that are less important. 
  2. Use nodes and links. Node icons represent key facts or concepts, while the lines connecting them represent relationships between them. As you work on your map, use these icons and lines to help organize your thoughts and make connections between related concepts. 
  3. Make sure the map is easy to navigate. Concept mappers often find that their maps take on a life of their own once they start getting into it. Look for ways to make the map easy to navigate by grouping related information together and labeling nodes and links clearly. 
  4. Check for general insights

Different ways to do concept mapping

You have probably heard of concept mapping before, but might not know what it is exactly. Concept mapping is a process used for clarifying the relationships between ideas or concepts in your mind by drawing interconnected maps that show how each concept influences and is influenced by other concepts. 

When you’re trying to come up with innovative new ideas, or figure out how different parts of your business are related, concept mapping can be a very helpful tool. Here are a few different ways to do concept mapping: 

  1. Brainstorming with a group

 Groups can be very helpful when brainstorming new ideas since they allow for more input and discussion. If you want to create a collaborative environment, try starting your brainstorming session by having everyone take turns drawing a map of one of their favorite ideas on the whiteboard. This will help get everyone comfortable with the idea of concept mapping and hopefully produce some good ideas. 

  1. Brainstorming remotely

 Sometimes it’s hard to get all your coworkers together in one room for brainstorming. That’s where remote brainstorming comes in handy. You can still have a productive session by using technology to connect with participants across the globe. For


If you’re looking to improve your business growth, concept mapping is a powerful technique that can help. Concept mapping is a way of visualizing and organizing your ideas so that you can better learn and understand them. This type of thinking can help you come up with new ways to do things, as well as figure out how best to market your product or service. When used correctly, concept mapping can be an invaluable tool in the arsenal of any business owner.