It is time to reevaluate Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor. Two brand new assignments into Earth’s twin are greenlit by NASA through the bureau’s Discovery Program.
One assignment would concentrate on the Venusian atmosphere, while another would map the world’s surface.

Venus might have become the very first habitable world within our solar system, such as a sea and climate very similar to Earth — but something occurred to flip it into a world with temperatures warm enough to melt lead.
Venus probably maintained stable temperatures and hosted liquid water for centuries prior to the event triggered extreme changes in Earth, based on some 2019 study. The study writer, physical scientist Michael Way in the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Science at Nyc, also coauthored a 2016 research about oceans and climate on Venus in yesteryear.

Just two NASA missions have seen Venus — Pioneer at 1978 and Magellan from the early’90s.
The sea was initially proposed by NASA’s Pioneer assignment. But given its positioning as the second planet from sunlight, Venus was not believed conducive to sustaining a sea.

“It’s astonishing how little we understand about Venus, however, the mixed results of those missions will inform us about Earth in the clouds in its own skies through the volcanoes on its surface all the way down to its core,” explained Tom Wagner, NASA’s Discovery Program scientist, in a statement. “It’ll be like we’ve rediscovered the world.”

The mission DAVINCI+ stands for Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry and Imaging Plus. It would be dedicated to analyzing Venus’ atmosphere to determine how it formed and evolved. The initiative would also investigate the possibility of an ocean in Venus’ past.
The mission’s instruments, including cameras, would be protected from Venus’ harsh environment by a descent sphere. It’s designed to plunge down through the planet’s thick atmosphere and send back the first high-resolution images of unique features on Venus. These features, called “tesserae,” may be similar to continents on Earth, which means Venus may have plate tectonics.
The DAVINCI+ mission will be the first US-led mission to study the Venusian atmosphere since 1978.