This week, Hyundai has stopped production in Piracicaba

TheHyundaiThis week, the absence of electronic components is causing the production of Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, to be completely paralysed.

Today’s morning shift, which is the only one that’s still active, was taken off the schedule. According to Hyundai, the return is set for next Thursday, July 15th.

claimed that they were approached by many.AutonomousElectricityautomobileDevelopment companies can form a partnership

The second and third shifts of the second and third shifts won’t return to work until Monday, July 12, 2012, so theFactoryUntil Sunday, 11.

As other automakers, inBrazilHyundai’s lines are in the United States and elsewhere.PiracicabaWherever possible,Crete and HB20Models are assembled, and were affected by the shortage of electronic parts on the market due to the global crisis in supply.

Since May 31, the automaker has stopped its third shift, while it was operating on its second shift (the afternoon shift), which was stopped two weeks ago.

Hyundai says that it will adapt its schedule to meet the supply conditions if needed.

Apple and Hyundai Motor sign partnership to develop electric cars

Hyundai Motor shares rose by more than 19% in South Korea’s stock exchange after Hyundai Motor said that it was in talks to purchase South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor.Apple(NASDAQFor more information on a partnership for the development of an electric vehicle, please visit AAPL.

Local newspaperKorea Economic DailyDuring the night, Apple andHyundaiWould be looking at terms for joint production. This could begin in 2027.

Hyundai initially refused to mention Apple, but later claimed that they were approached by many.AutonomousElectricityautomobileDevelopment companies can form a partnership

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LaterHyundaiIn an interview with CNBC, Chery Kang stated that talks are ongoing with Apple. However, nothing has been finalized. He said that the American giant would be in discussions with car manufacturers around the globe about possible cooperation. Apple declined to comment.