This Wednesday (14) will see simulated reproduction of the untimely death of a young pregnant woman

This Wednesday will see the simulation of Kathleen Romeu’s death. She was killed in a gunfight between drug dealers and military police in Lins, North Zone Rio de Janeiro. The reconstruction will attempt to determine where the bullet that killed the 24-year old girl was shot from.

This Wednesday (14) will see simulated reproduction of the untimely death of a young pregnant woman

Rodrigo Mondego (a lawyer for OAB-RJ’s Human Rights Commission), believes that the shot could have been from the alley where the officers were. According to the Commission, the information can be found in the young woman’s cadaveric record. Kathleen’s suicide was completed last Thursday (8).

All the officers involved in this case were summoned. Kathen’s grandmother, Jaqueline Oliveira, was present at Kathen’s shooting and will be participating in the reenactment. Luciano Oliveira and Jaqueline Oliveira, her parents, confirmed to Daily Reuters they would be going to the scene of their daughter’s death to continue the investigation. Luciano said that justice is the expectation of the reconstitution.

Two inquiries were opened by the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro into this case. The first investigates the tragic death of the young girl. One investigates the death of the young woman. The other investigates if there were police abuses by the PMs. The MPRJ already heard grandmother, father, and mother last month.

According to the PM, it responded to the attack of bandits.


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