child safety

According to the CDC, over 7,000 children aged 0-19 died due to unintentional injuries in 2019 alone. 

If you’re worried about your child being injured, or worse, that’s a completely normal part of parenting. There’s a fine line between being safe and being overbearing as a parent, but at the end of the day, your job is to keep them safe and sound into young adulthood.

In this post, we’re going to look at some of the dos and don’ts of child safety in 2022. Parenting styles have probably changed a lot since you were a child, but there are still universal parenting tips for protecting your child. Keep reading and we’ll tell you all about them while showing you what not to do.

Do: Give Them Contact Info

One of the major concerns, when your child starts going to school alone, is their safety. Whether it’s the fear of a stranger picking them up or them getting hurt during the walk, there’s a lot that can go wrong.

Fortunately, we live in an age where we can be in constant contact with our children. Your child shouldn’t be walking to school before 10-12 years of age, so that’s the right time to give them a cell phone. Make sure both parents’ cell numbers are in the contacts, as well as any emergency contacts.

Don’t: Let Them Overuse Their Phone

Giving your adolescent child a cell phone may seem like the norm these days, but it’s also risky. Not only do you have to worry about them using social media, which is proven to affect attention span and mental health, but you have to worry about nefarious actors preying on your child.

Nearly 400,000 youths were abducted in 2020, many of whom were in contact with their abductor. Although it’s unlikely to happen, you can never be too safe. Use this phone tracker by number to see if your child is talking with someone you don’t know. 

Do: Teach Road Safety

There comes a time in every parent’s life when their teen decides they want to get a driver’s license. An exciting time for a child is a worrisome one for a parent who knows how dangerous cars can be. 

Thousands of young drivers perish in car accidents every year. If you want your child to be a cautious driver, then you need to enroll them in a good driver’s education program. In addition, you should always keep an eye on their driving, teaching them the rules of road safety.

It goes without saying that this will cause a few fights between you and your child. It’s all worth it to ensure they’re driving is as defensive and safe as possible.

Don’t: Neglect Drug and Alcohol Education

Eventually, your teenager is going to develop a social life in high school. Depending on the crowd they’re hanging out with, they might be surrounded by drugs and alcohol at social gatherings.

Most kids make it through their teenage years with relatively mundane drug and alcohol experiences, but some take it too far. The last thing you want is your child getting behind the wheel while intoxicated or putting themselves in a dangerous position at a party.

Teach them about the effects and dangers of alcohol and drug consumption. Federal law states that you can’t drink until 21. As a parent, it’s up to you whether or not you uphold that law in your household, but your kid should understand everything there is to know about doing it.

Do: Teach Them About Household Dangers

If you’ve got a toddler, it’s important to teach them everything that could hurt them. Ovens are hot, knives are sharp, and electrical outlets can give you a shock – all of these things should be common knowledge at a young age.

As long as they know that some things in the house are only meant for adults, then they can avoid the most common childhood injuries. 

Don’t: Let An Infant/Toddler Out of Your Sight

Falls are another huge cause of injury for very young children. If you’ve got a multi-floor home, then you need to be really careful turning your eye on your child. Once they start crawling and walking, they’re a danger to themselves, so it’s best to keep them in your sight when they’re not sleeping.

Do: Teach Water Safety

You don’t need a pool to teach water safety. There may come a time when you enroll your child in swimming lessons, but before that, teach them to be safe around pools, rivers, lakes, and creeks. Even a bathtub may pose a risk for a child who isn’t experienced with water.

Don’t: Keep Firearms In the House

We’ve heard countless stories in the news about children finding firearms in a parent’s closet, then firing them at a sibling, parent, or themselves. If you truly want to avoid these types of devastating mishaps, keep firearms out of your house entirely.

If you feel that you need one for protection, make sure it’s unloaded and locked in a gun safe. If it’s accessible, your child may find it. Without proper education, disaster can strike.

Do: Put Away Harmful Substances

Always store medicines, such as pills and ointments, in a cabinet with a latch. If you can lock the cabinet, you’ll avoid a child that might like climbing on the toilet or bathtub ingesting these medications.

With cleaning products and other household materials, make sure they’re stored in a place where your child doesn’t have access. Poisoning is another one of the most common causes of childhood injury and death. In the event that your child does get into these things, make sure to get them medical attention immediately.

Taking Child Safety Seriously

Protecting your child for the time that they’re under your roof should always be your main priority. These child safety tips should help you stay vigilant and attentive to your child’s needs, as well as the things that could harm them. Educate yourself and your child and you’ll always keep them safe.

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