Sony's Plan For the Future - Half of Its Games to Be on PC and Mobile by 2025

Sony is hoping to make $300 million from the sales of its games by 2025. This will increase from this year, when only a quarter of the company’s titles were released on the two platforms. The company has also made plans to increase the number of its games on PC and mobile. One key question that remains unanswered is the impact of supply chain disruptions on PlayStation 5 development.

Sony hopes for $300m in sales of its games in 2025

During the earnings call, Sony said it expects PC games to represent almost half of its overall game releases by 2025. This would put the company on track to make $300m for its PC business in the current fiscal year, which ends in March 2023. Sony has already released some of its console exclusives to the PC. Games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone, which are PC games, have already made the company millions of dollars.

As for PlayStation, the company hopes to expand its first-party live game portfolio. Currently, the PlayStation has one such title, MLB The Show. However, this title is not exclusive to PlayStation, and Sony is targeting to increase its portfolio to three live games by 2022, and twelve by FY25. Moreover, the company is also aiming to expand PS Direct to more countries than ever before, with revenue generated from PS Direct alone expected to triple by 2022.

Plans to increase number of titles on PC and mobile

The gaming giant has laid out some big plans for its future. By 2025, the company plans to release half of its titles on PC and mobile. While the current ratio of PC/mobile releases is low, Sony hopes to increase the percentage to fifty percent. The company presented slides at its investor day, and the company will probably unveil more details on new titles next year. Until then, though, PlayStation fans can look forward to two new live service games this year.

To further expand the market, the company is aiming to increase the number of first-party live games to 12. At the moment, the PlayStation only has one such title, MLB The Show, but Sony aims to increase that to three by FY22 and twelve by FY25. The company is also looking to expand to other platforms, especially PC, as its first-party gaming revenue will be less from PC sales than from consoles.

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Impact of supply chain disruptions on development of PlayStation 5

As a result of supply chain issues, Sony has been unable to meet its production goal of 16 million PlayStation 5 units in the fiscal year ending Mar. 31, 2022. The company’s production schedule was affected by various logistics problems, such as a shortage of key parts, and uneven rollouts of coronavirus vaccines. As a result, the company has had to reduce its initial goal to 15 million units, and has blamed supply chain disruptions and parts shortages.

Sony has had to scale back its production plans for the PlayStation 5, due to supply chain disruptions and component shortages. The company aims to ship only 15 million units of the PS5 gaming console in the current fiscal year, down from its initial target of 16 million. As a result, the company will have to reduce inventory costs and ensure the availability of components, while taking into account the risks of suppliers running out of stock.

Future of live service games

There’s no doubt that live service games are all the rage right now. There’s Battlefield, Fortnite, and Destiny, to name a few. But what about the quality of the content? Will players be able to play them for years to come? Whether the content is good, or whether developers will simply cut corners to make the game more expensive, only time will tell. We will discuss these questions in this piece, and how live service games can impact the future of video game content.

Live-service games have been around for quite a while, but they’re only recently becoming more widely available. While the early days of these games would have been tough to find, today’s gaming stores carry dozens of titles. In addition, many game developers are using player feedback to shape how these games will evolve in the future. Sony’s plans include at least three major new live-service franchises this year, and two more unannounced games in the works for 2022.