Simone Biles believes that her fans are helping her to see beyond her gold medals.

Simone Biles (the US gymnast) thanked her fans for their support and love and was able to withdraw from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games because she wanted to focus on her mental health. There has been a lot of positive feedback and well wishes from all over the globe.

After stepping out of a team competition earlier in the week, the 24-year-old gymnast, who is considered one of the best of all time, pulled out of Thursday’s all-around competition. She spoke out about mental health concerns and the need for her body and mind to be protected.

Biles posted a Wednesday tweet in which she addressed the support that she received and stated that it had shown her that she was more than her sporting achievements.

Biles stated, “The outpouring of love and support that I’ve received has made it clear to me that I’m so much more than my achievements and gymnastics. This is something I had never believed in before.”

USA Gymnastics stated earlier Wednesday in a statement that it supported her decision “wholeheartedly” as well as applauding her “bravery”.

USA Gymnastics stated that “Her courage proves, yet again,” why she is such a role model.”

Biles was a favorite to win the gold medal in the final. She has also won every single all-around competition since 2013, and four gold medals at Rio Olympics 2016.


Simone Biles believes that her fans are helping her to see beyond her gold medals.

Biles failed to land an advanced vault, which involves a back handspring and two-and-a-half twists in the air, on Tuesday.

She carries the weight of the entire world upon her shoulders

She wrote an Instagram post earlier in the week describing how she felt the “weight of the world” on her shoulders at times.

“I know that I try to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t affect my life, but sometimes it can be hard! She wrote the following in her post.

She has received support from fellow athletes and sponsors such as Visa, American Airlines, and Uber Eats for her honesty about competitive pressures and mental health.

Aly Raisman, a former teammate and three-time Olympic gold medalist, is one of those who support Biles.

She criticized USA Gymnastics and the US Olympic Committee for not supporting athletes well and stated that athletes are “people at the bottom of the day”.

She said that USA Gymnastics has been a disaster for many years. Unfortunately, not enough has changed to make us believe in a safer future. However, she stated this Tuesday to CNN’s Jake Tapper.

“Does Simone receive the support she needs?” continued Raisman. Raisman continued, “Do other athletes have what they need?”

She said, “It’s tremendous pressure… She added: “It’s a tremendous amount of pressure…

Paula Radcliffe was a former team GB runner and was called a “quitter” after she had to withdraw from the 2004 Athens Olympic Marathon due to injury. She spoke about her personal experience in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.
Also Read:
Opinion: I was once an elite athlete. Simone Biles’ struggle is understandable

“Neither of us gave up. Radcliffe stated that our bodies were not able to handle it.

She said that few people understand the connection between your mind, your body, and both. “Especially when it comes to something that is physically or mentally taxing, it’s important to be able to recognize when you need to push through it, and when to listen. It’s what made her the champion she is.”

Radcliffe stated that Biles is mentally stronger because she can make the call now.

The pressures that sports stars face are being revealed more often.

Naomi Osaka, a four-time major champion in tennis, withdrew from this year’s French Open due to mental health issues.

The 23-year old revealed that she has suffered from anxiety and depression.

She stated that she had suffered from depression for a long time since 2018 when the US Open was held. It was a difficult time to cope with it.

“Anyone who knows me will know that I am introverted. Anyone who has seen me at tournaments will also notice that I often wear headphones to reduce my social anxiety.