Minecraft 1.20: Everything You Need To Know

Minecraft has always been an innovative video game, and the newest update for Minecraft brings improvements to world-building and new items for “more exciting gameplay.” It is worth noting as well that version 1.20 will make up Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition, which was also released today.
So, what can we expect with the new version 1.20 of Minecraft? For starters, there are now over 100 new blocks and items that have been added to the game! These include things like different types of doors, stained glass, new crops, and even a map item. As for changes to world-building, players can now use the “clone” tool to make perfect copies of structures.

Players can also expect new achievements and trophies with this update. With so much new content, it is hard to imagine anyone not enjoying the changes made in Minecraft 1.20!

What is Minecraft 1.20?

Minecraft 1.20 is an update to Minecraft that was released on June 23, 2016. This update added a number of features and fixes, including:

– New blocks: Nether Quartz Ore, Hay Block, Hardened Clay, Stained Hardened Clay
– New items: Nether Quartz, Air Shard
– New mobs: Enderman, Iron Golem
– New biomes: Mesa Biome
– Changes to the Nether: Nether Fortress can now generate smaller rooms and hallways
– Changes to the End: End Cities can now generate tall towers
-expanded the map height limit by 128 blocks

Minecraft 1.20: Everything You Need To Know

Update Compression

When it comes to textures, one of the most important things you can do to improve your game’s performance is to update your compression. Doing so can free up a significant amount of resources on your device, and ultimately help to improve your game’s FPS.
To update your compression, you’ll need to open up the textures panel in Unity and select all of the textures you want to update. Once selected, go to compress from the dropdown menu, and click on Update Compression from the list of options that appears.

If you want to take things one step further, we also advise selecting Optimize Now. Optimize Now essentially helps to improve the performance of your game by optimizing how your textures are stored in memory. This can prove beneficial if you notice any slowdown with certain textures during gameplay.

Minecraft 1.20: Everything You Need To Know

Adjust Project Settings

In addition to updating your compression settings, we also recommend taking a few minutes to adjust some of your project settings. For example, going into QualitySettings and disabling Shadow Resolution should help reduce rendering times significantly (the lower the resolution, the less required processing power). The same goes for disabling Motion Vectors too – especially if you’re not using them within your game.

We also recommend changing a few other simple settings from within QualitySettings too: setting AntiAliasing as low as possible; setting Soft Particles as Disabled; setting Realtime Reflection Probes as Disabled, and finally disabling Billboards Face Camera Option too

Beasts: Cuddle, Schooling & Deceiving

Beasts in Minecraft are varied and unique, each with its own specific purpose and role in the game. There are three main types of beasts: cuddling, schooling, and deceiving.

Cuddle beasts are typically small and cute animals that players can interact with. These creatures include bunnies, kittens, puppies, and more. They generally don’t pose any threat to the player and can often be found in biomes such as forests and plains. Schooling beasts are similar to cuddle beasts, but are usually larger in size and may be aggressive if provoked. These animals include wolves, ocelots, Horses, and more. Deceiving beasts are dangerous creatures that often masquerade as other animals. These deceptive animals include Endermen, Silverfish, Cave Spiders, and more.

Villager Trading Introduced!

In the recent Minecraft update, Trading has been introduced to villagers! This new system allows players to trade with residents for the first time ever. In order to participate in trading, simply approach a village and find an unemployed villager. Right-click on the villager and select the “Trade” option.

This will open up a menu showing all of the different items that the villager will accept in exchange for their goods. Select the item you wish to trade and then click on the “Confirm” button. If you have enough of the correct item, the trade will be completed and you’ll receive your new goods!

Trading is a great way to get hold of rare or difficult-to-find items, so be sure to check it out next time you’re in a village!

Minecraft 1.20: Everything You Need To Know

Minecraft Update 1.20 Will Include Direwolfs, New Mobs, and Racoon Pigmen Redux

Minecraft update 1.20 will include Direwolfs, new mobs, and Racoon Pigmen Redux. The Direwolf is a new mob that will be added in the 1.20 update. It is a large, aggressive wolf that can be found in the wild. The new mobs are small, passive creatures that can be found in the overworld. They include raccoon pigment, which are friendly creatures that will help players defend their homes from hostile mobs; and foxes, which are shy but curious creatures that can be tamed and used as guard dogs.

Snow Achieved? The Enderdragon Slayed? How wacky!?

Welcome back to Minecraft: Everything You Need To Know! In our previous article, we talked about the basic mechanics of the game. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the more advanced aspects of the game, including how to achieve specific goals.

One common goal in Minecraft is to build a snowman. This can be accomplished by crafting a snow Golem out of two blocks of snow and a pumpkin. Once you have your Snow Golem, simply place it on top of two blocks of snow.

Another popular goal is to kill the Enderdragon. The Enderdragon is a powerful creature that can only be found at The End, a dimension that can be accessed by defeating the Wither boss. To kill the Enderdragon, you’ll need to use obsidian blocks to travel through The End’s pillars and reach the dragon’s lair. Once there, you’ll need to put up a fight using TNT, bows, and your own wits!


And that’s everything you need to know about Minecraft 1.20! This update is packed with new features and changes, so be sure to check out the full patch notes for more information. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us on social media or leave a comment below.