Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections marred by record low turnout

French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen were equally dealt large setbacks as their celebrations played badly in regional elections which saw a low turnout rate.

Macron’s La République En Marche won 10.9percent of the far-right National Rally, directed by Le Pen, which won 19.1percent — lower than anticipated, based on exit polls. The right-wing celebration Les Republicains fared better and won 29.3percent of the vote.

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Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections marred by record low turnout
An unprecedentedly higher speed — 68 percent — of the populace did not vote. This is the maximum abstention rate under the Fifth Republic.
The next round of regional elections will be held on June 27.
The regional elections have been closely watched for voter tastes before next year’s Presidential election. But given the very low voter turnout, political experts say it is difficult to draw conclusions at this point.
On Monday, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin explained the results as a kind of collapse, though he added it was too soon to draw conclusions to the 2022 presidential election, Reuters reported.
“Democracy means occasionally losing elections. The presidential bulk faced a significant obstacle… let’s not draw quick decisions concerning the presidential elections,” he told France 2 television, Reuters reported.
Darmanin also stated that Sunday’s record low turnout was”a defeat for all of us” because”abstention is a message. The French men and women are telling politicians they don’t trust them”

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“No-one could be happy if there’s a 70 percent abstention rate, increasing to over 80 percent among young individuals,” he added.