We are experiencing a “major spike” in our economy COVID-19?Dr. Anthony Fauci This morning, Dr., chief medical advisor to President and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseasess, warned.On Morning Joe The doctor spoke out to warn Americans about the dangers of the Delta-variant and the possibility of new mutants that could be able to bypass our current laws. vaccines.Continue reading for seven key points that could save your life and those of your children. Sure Signs You Have “Long” COVID and May Not Even Know It.
1.Dr. Fauci said that COVID is worse in these states
It’s worse in the states that aren’t vaccinated.If you look at Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and other states, you will see that the virus is soaring very acutely within the inflection-curve.Now, when you consider the country’s total number of cases per day for the past few days, that is a serious problem.There are 93 million eligible people in this country that can be vaccinated.This, as we have said many times, is an epidemic of the unvaccinated.
2.Dr. Fauci said that more mutants may come if we don’t stop this one
Fauci stated that one of the problems is that the virus can spread freely among people, especially among unvaccinated. This gives it the opportunity to continue to evolve.It’s clear, viralocity has proven this, that viruses cannot multiply unless they are allowed to reproduce. If it is allowed to spread, it will replicate.People will often say that they are not getting vaccinated.I am a healthy, young person.It’s likely that I won’t get a severe illness if I get infected. However, it is possible to get it. What they don’t realize is that even if they don’t experience any symptoms, they are allowing the virus to spread throughout the community.You can have serious health consequences, and you also have an effect on others.
3.Dr. Fauci says the FDA is not yet fully approving the vaccine. This is just a technicality.
Dr. Fauci said, “That FDA approval is not granted is a technicality.”“We have emergency authorizations that we have.This is usually when you have marginal or moderate efficacy and you want to balance risk and benefit.You give it an emergency authorization.These vaccines have been given to millions upon millions of people around the globe.It is very safe and highly effective.