Applying for college is a daunting task for everyone. The process is often time-consuming and involves many steps, including researching schools, shortlisting colleges and courses, preparing applications and appearing for interviews. However, the most daunting task is preparing the college application. Students are often confused and overwhelmed at the thought of writing their application essays and choosing the right topic. Students often want to write about what they think admissions boards want to hear instead of being their authentic selves. In this article, we highlight a few common college application myths that all students must know. 

5 Most Common College Application Essay Myths

#1 Colleges only accept excellent writers 

Many students think that they need to have excellent writing skills to go to college. However, this is not true. In college, students often pay TopEssayWriting to write my dissertation and focus on building their professional skills and participating in academic and extracurricular activities. Similarly, students at different academic levels can leverage expert writers to get papers and assignments. They can communicate their ideas and thoughts with the writers to ensure they are presented in the best possible manner. 

#2 Taking financial aid can reduce your admission chances

Many students wonder if asking for financial help will affect their final admission decision. The answer to this question is no! Even universities clarify that a potential student’s admission decision has nothing to do with his or her financial status and only with past academic and extracurricular records. Universities consider the financial status of a student only after they have decided to give them an offer to decide whether they should offer a scholarship along with it. 

#3 Applications need recommendations from well-known people

The best recommendations are the ones given by people who have worked with you personally and seen your growth in any capacity. A good recommendation comes from someone who is aware of your visions and long-term goals and understands how the program that you’re applying to can help you achieve them. This person need not be famous. In fact, a recommendation from a famous person who has not worked closely with you is much less valuable than a recommendation from a direct reporting manager or colleague.

#4 Students must have top grades and multiple extracurricular activities

Again, another popular notion is that a student must have a hand in everything and be an all-rounder to get into college. While it is true that colleges prefer proactive personalities, they are also looking for people who can showcase their passions and prove that they have pursued them for a significant time period. This adds much more value than a student who keeps jumping from one activity to another just to show diversity. 

#5 College essays have to be serious

Not every college essay is serious. College essays can be fun and creative and showcase out-of-the-box thinking and writing skills. College essays are the best place for students to show their strengths like creativity. In fact, students are encouraged to highlight any interests or quirks they might have in their essays to help them stand out. 

A Few Concluding Thoughts

Perhaps the most important piece of advice that anyone can give to students who are sending in their college applications is that they must present their authentic selves on the application. The applications that come to light are honest ones. A student must understand that every single applicant is trying to stand out by being fancy, so that is the wrong approach. A student must use their admissions essay as an opportunity to showcase their true personality and entice the admissions board with it.    

About the Author – Charlotte Banks

Charlotte Banks is an academic counselor and writer. A psychology graduate, she did her postgraduate specialization in young adult psychology and started her own practice. Primarily working as a freelancer, she mentors high school students during their college application phase. She has worked with admission boards in various Ivy League schools in America and top universities in other parts of the world.