The U.S. International safe haven in Moscow said it would slice visa and consular administrations following a Russian restriction on employing nearby staff in the most recent aftermath from pressures between the previous Cold War rivals.

The Russian employing limitation will compel a 75% cut in the consular work power, the consulate said in a site articulation, and administrations will be confined to a base beginning May 12.

Russia reported as far as possible on April 16 as a feature of arrangement of retaliatory moves against the U.S. choice to oust 10 Russian negotiators and force new endorses for Moscow’s supposed job in the Solar Winds cyberattack and interfering in the U.S. political race a year ago. The Kremlin denies those charges.

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Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov made light of the effect of the limitations, noticing that U.S. visa administrations have been restricted for at any rate a year in the midst of the pandemic. “The wellspring of this was the hostile activities of the United States,” he said.

Peskov said the Kremlin is baffled with the initial 100 days of the organization of President Joe Biden. “We expected better,” he said, saying the positive of the augmentation of the New Start atomic nonaggression treaty was counterbalanced by the “weight of negative that we amassed over these 100 days” in the relationship.