The site page which President Donald Trump found less than 1 month ago, after his group indicated he would be launching a significant new social network, was permanently shuttered.

Jason Miller, a senior aide to Trump, advised CNBC the page”won’t be coming.”
“It was only auxiliary to the wider efforts we now have and are working on,” Miller stated.
Individuals who try to see the webpage are now greeted with a web form asking for their contact info to get updates through text or email message.
In the moment, the webpage was charged as a stage where Trump could talk directly to his or her supporters.
Fox News, which reported that Trump had begun the site, dubbed it a”brand new communications platform”
But last month, Trump contested Fox’s framing in a statement.

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“This is supposed to be a temporary method of getting my thoughts and ideas out to people with no Fake News twist, but the site isn’t a platform,” he explained.