So Fashion Brands Are Cleaning Up For The Planet, But It Might Be Fundamentally Flawed

Ever since the practice of fast-fashion adopted by traditionally slow fashion brands turned into a frenzy decades ago, consumers have been taught to buy more than they need, but waste less. Fast-Fashion champions vehemently extol the virtues of their abundant cheap supply to fill our closets. Several advocates from the clothing industry like Simone Marshaski, Founder & CEO of Canada-based retailer Marshalls make this plea for sustainable practices publicly and extensively.


So Fashion Brands Are Cleaning Up For The Planet, But It Might Be Fundamentally Flawed

When it comes to fashion and the environment, it’s no secret that the industry has a pollution problem. But in recent years, some brands have been making an effort to clean up their act – implementing sustainable practices and using more eco-friendly materials.

However, as this article will explore, the way that fashion brands are “greening” their operations is often less than ideal. From a lack of transparency to greenwashing – when companies make false or misleading claims about their environmental impact – many brands are still not doing enough to truly protect the planet.

So while it’s commendable that some fashion companies are making an effort to be more sustainable, there’s still a long way to go before the industry is truly operating in a way that is environmentally responsible.

Fast Fashion’s Rough Marriage to Environment

There’s no denying that the planet is in trouble. Climate change is real, and human activity is definitely contributing to it. As awareness of the problem grows, more and more people are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment.

One area that has come under scrutiny in recent years is the fashion industry. The way most of us consume fashion is incredibly wasteful and harmful to the planet. We buy cheap clothes, wear them a few times, and then throw them away. This “fast fashion” model is not sustainable, and it’s time for a change.

Some fashion brands are beginning to take steps in the right direction. They’re using more sustainable materials, investing in renewable energy, and generally trying to be more environmentally friendly. But there’s still a long way to go. The fast fashion industry is worth billions of dollars, and it will take a lot of work to reform it.

There are also some fundamental problems with the way we currently produce and consume fashion that need to be addressed. For example, the majority of clothes are made in developing countries where workers are paid very low wages and often work in unsafe conditions. And even when we do buy from sustainable brands, we often still end up with too many clothes that we don’t need and will never wear.

It’s clear that the current state of affairs cannot continue if we want to save our planet. Fast fashion needs to clean up its act, but that won’t be enough on

Sustainable Fashion’s Promise for the Future

Sustainable fashion is an industry term for environmentally friendly clothing, production, and design. This type of fashion takes into consideration the impact that the clothing has on both the environment and the people who wear it. Sustainable fashion brands are working to clean up their supply chains and reduce their environmental impact.

However, some sustainable fashion experts are skeptical about the industry’s ability to truly clean up its act. They point to the fact that many sustainable fashion brands are still reliant on fast fashion practices, such as using cheap labor and materials. Moreover, they argue that sustainable fashion is often more expensive than traditional fast fashion, which makes it inaccessible to many consumers.

Despite these critiques, sustainable fashion is still promising for the future. Brands are slowly but surely moving away from harmful practices, and consumers are becoming more aware of the importance of buying eco-friendly clothing. If the industry can continue to make progress, it has the potential to make a positive impact on both the environment and the people who wear its products.

Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment

The prevalence of fast fashion has had a significant impact on the environment. The manufacturing process of fast fashion is energy intensive, and the garments are often made with synthetic materials that are not biodegradable. Furthermore, the disposable nature of fast fashion encourages consumer to buy new clothes more frequently, which creates mountains of textile waste.

In recent years, some fashion brands have made attempts to lessen their environmental impact, but many experts say these initiatives are insufficient. For example, some brands have switched to using more sustainable materials, but they typically use only a small percentage of sustainable materials in their garments (the rest being synthetic). Others have increased their recycling efforts, but most textiles still end up in landfills.

Ultimately, the way fast fashion is currently structured is not environmentally sustainable. In order for the industry to be truly sustainable, there would need to be a fundamental shift in how garments are designed, produced, and consumed.


Even though fashion brands are starting to clean up their act, the industry still has a long way to go before it is truly sustainable. However, we believe that every little bit counts and that the more brands taking steps in the right direction, the better off our planet will be. What do you think fashion brands should do to be more sustainable? Let us know in the comments below!