How To Keep Your Gaming Payment Gateway working in good shape


If you’re thinking about adding a gaming payment gateway to your business, you’ll want to make sure that it’s working properly. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most important things you can do to keep your gaming payment gateway in good shape:

Now that you have a gaming payment gateway, it’s important to keep it as secure and reliable as possible for your customers.

Now that you have a gaming payment gateway, it’s important to keep it as secure and reliable as possible for your customers. To do this, we recommend that you:

  • Install a fraud management system. Fraudulent transactions cost businesses millions of dollars each year in lost revenue and fees, along with resources spent on investigating these claims. By using an automated tool like our Fraud Score technology, you can identify suspicious transactions before they occur.
  • Keep software up-to-date at all times. If the latest bug fixes aren’t applied to your payment gateway software, then there will be no way for you to protect yourself against hackers attempting to steal money from your customers’ accounts or get access to their personal information such as credit card numbers or bank account numbers so they can commit identity theft fraud against them later on down the line when they try purchasing something online using their stolen information! Installing updates also ensures that users always have access ←somehow this doesn’t sound right–maybe delete?

Incorporate an advanced fraud management system.

There are a few things you can do to help ensure that your payment gateway works well and continues to function as the best option for your business.

Your payment gateway should incorporate an advanced fraud management system, which is a program that identifies and blocks fraudulent transactions before they occur. It should be easy to use and integrate into your website, so you don’t have to feel overwhelmed by its complexity. And it should help companies identify potential fraudsters through a variety of methods: IP address identification, browser fingerprinting (which uses cookies), social media accounts and more.

These days most websites use some sort of anti-fraud technology—but not all systems are created equal! The best ones allow users access only when they’re logged in with their credit card information (which prevents hackers from gaining access), while also detecting suspicious-looking transactions before they’ve even been completed.

Keep software up-to-date.

This is a no-brainer, but still something that many people forget to do. Keep your software up-to-date and you’ll avoid getting hacked or viruses. You should also keep your operating system (Windows or Mac) updated as well as any hardware drivers for your devices.

If you’re using a gaming payment gateway like Stripe, make sure that it is also kept up-to-date as well by downloading the latest version from their website and running the installer on all of your machines that are using it.

Create a system for keeping track of fees and payments.

Once you’ve figured out how to structure your payment system, it’s time to figure out how to keep track of all the fees and payments.

The first step is simple: create a spreadsheet or other program that can keep track of everything in one place. It’s important to note that this system should be used by only people that understand how credit cards work and what they actually do behind the scenes when processing transactions (which is probably not you). If not, don’t worry! There are plenty of tools available online that make it easy for anyone with any skill level or experience level at managing money. All you have to do is Google “credit card processor” and pick one from there! I’d recommend something like Stripe or Braintree because those guys know what they’re doing with payments.

Once you’ve got your payments taken care of online, start keeping track of them physically too! Make sure everyone has access so if an employee leaves their job unexpectedly then someone else can just jump right in without missing a beat. For example: You might have a logbook where everyone logs their hours worked each day so there’s no confusion later on when calculating payroll taxes because no one wants those things getting messed up since they’re super important when it comes down at tax time; this also gives us insight into our productivity levels as well as any potential problems coming down the pipeline before they become major issues impacting business efficiency – which means fewer headaches overall throughout our organization which also saves money by reducing overhead costs like office space rentals etcetera…

A gaming payment gateway could help boost sales and increase customer satisfaction.

As a game developer, you know that your customers are going to have questions about how to make purchases in your game. And with so many options available for making those purchases, it’s important to find the one that works best for both you and your players.

A gaming payment gateway could be the missing link in terms of helping boost sales and increase customer satisfaction. In fact, some examples of how a gaming payment gateway can boost sales and increase customer satisfaction include:

  • A way for players to buy virtual currency within games more easily than by searching around on their own or having to do it through an app store
  • The ability for developers like yourself to offer custom offers at different times throughout the year (e.g., 50% off on holidays) while still taking advantage of promotional opportunities offered by other platforms such as Google Play Store or Apple App Store


This is the first time we’ve talked about gaming payment gateways, but hopefully, it won’t be the last. By making your business more convenient and secure for customers, you can attract new sales and keep existing ones coming back again and again. If you need any assistance with Gaming Merchant Account Contact PayPound at +44 800 832 1733 or [email protected] for additional details, and join forces with us right away! Follow Paypound on LinkedIn!