How to know if someone denies your follow request on Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to take photos and share them with their followers. Your username on Instagram is public, so anyone following you can see your profile, ‘likes,’ and other information about you. This makes it easy for people to find you on other platforms like Facebook or Twitter and follow the account without following you back. However, that doesn’t mean someone can just follow your Instagram to seem like they’re actually following you. There are a few ways around this, but here are three of the most common!

  1. Follow and unfollow the account

To follow someone on Instagram, tap the ‘Follow’ button and type in the username of the person you’re following. Then, once you’ve followed that person, go back to your profile and select ‘Unfollow’ under their username:

To un-follow a user, all you have to do is tap on their name and tap ‘Unfollow.’ That user will then appear again in your list of people you follow on Instagram!

  1. Way cooler: Change your settings so only people who aren’t following you can see what you post!

If you want to see strictly who’s following you or if you don’t want people who are following you to be able to see your posts or ‘likes,’ you can easily change those settings from inside the Instagram app. To do that, just tap on your profile picture and select ‘Settings’ from the drop-down menu: Selecting ‘Privacy’ in this menu will show you two different settings: a) who can see your posts (by default, all of your friends can see what you post), and b) who’s allowed to follow you (you can also choose to hide your username).3. Way more fun: Have more than one photo per post! Want more than one photo? Want to post more than one photo per week? You can do both with an Instagram feature called “multiple images”

That lets you create photos within the same post. To do that, follow the steps below: 1. Start a new Instagram post as normal by pressing and holding on a photo you want to use.

  1. Click the words “Add image” (3).
  2. Choose your preferred filters from the pop-up menu at the bottom of that screen and then select “Multiple images”
  3. Your Instagram post will now feature two photos (or more) automatically!

To add an extra photo to an existing post, just follow these steps:

  1. Tap the ‘Edit’ button in your Instagram app (the pencil icon) and select this option from the pop-up menu.
  2. Then just post as normal! To remove an extra photo from a single post, tap on it and then tap the trash icon in the top-right of the screen: You can also press and hold on a photo or video to access filters: A video can feature up to 30 seconds of footage, while a photo can feature up to 15 photos, though you can add up to 20. To change that limit, just go back into Instagram’s settings and select “Limit post length” before you start. Last but not least, videos and photos can be posted as Live Videos. This is a new feature that lets people share their real-time reactions (e.g., likes, hearts) as they watch your clip!


How to know if someone denies your follow request on Instagram

What is a follow request?

When you follow someone on Instagram, they will be notified and they can follow you back. If the person you are following denies your request to follow them back, it may be because they are not interested in being followed or they do not have the app installed on their phone.

Why do we deny follow requests?

Instagram is a great way to connect with people you know and follow others who you may find interesting. However, sometimes we may deny a follow request because it’s not relevant to the account or the person requesting the follow. Reasons we may deny a follow request could depend on the account’s settings or demographics. If you’re not sure why your follow request was denied, reach out to Instagram directly.

How to see who rejected your follow request

When you go to your follow request on Instagram, you’ll see a list of everyone who accepted it. If someone has rejected your request, they’ll have a red x next to their name.

To see who rejected your follow request, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. From there, tap “Following.” You’ll see a list of everyone who follows you, and on the bottom left corner, you’ll see a list of people who followed you but haven’t unfollowed you. If someone has rejected your follow request, they’ll have a red x next to their name.

How to fix a denied follow request

If you’ve been denied a follow on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to try and get the follow-through again. First, make sure you’re following the person in question back. If you’re not, their account may not be showing up in your follow list. Next, check to make sure the person’s profile is set to public. If it’s not, they may not be accepting followers from outside of their network. Finally, try following them from a different account and see if that works.

How long you should wait before requesting another follow on Instagram

If you have attempted to follow someone on Instagram, but they have not followed you back, it may be because they are not interested. There is no set amount of time that you should wait before requesting another follow, as it depends on the size of your following and the number of followers that the person has. However, generally speaking, you should wait at least two to three days after attempting to follow someone before asking for another follow.