AR Glasses - From Niche Gadget to Smartphone Replacement

Apple Glass, Magic Leap One, Solos Wearables and Google Glass are all contenders in the field of AR glasses. While each has unique features, none can completely replace your smartphone. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of each. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide whether you want to invest in one or all of these products. Whether they are worth the price is another story.

Apple Glass

With more advanced features and a lower price tag, AR glasses are quickly moving from being a niche gadget to becoming a smartphone replacement. These wearables have a built-in camera and microphone, and they even have noise-canceling microphones so you can talk on the phone while wearing them. In addition to having an incredibly low price tag, AR glasses come with full UV protection and can even be used to take prescription lenses.

Magic Leap One

It’s not surprising that Magic Leap One AR glasses are quickly becoming a top contender for a smartphone replacement. The company has big plans for the product, including projecting 3D images into the world and replacing the need for screens. Imagine watching a basketball game on a floating jumbotron. You can even walk around and through the images you see projected in front of you.

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Solos Wearables

Smart glasses are a great way to augment real-world surroundings with digital information. This information could be anything from a map to contact details and messages. Many smart glasses have microphones and cameras that allow different types of input, including speech. Apple, Google and Samsung have all shown interest in smart glasses technology. So will other companies. Here are some things to keep an eye out for.

Google Glass

Google Glass is not the only product with AR capabilities. The Explorer Edition was discontinued last year due to a poor design. The newer versions of the Glass improved the design and functionality but did not make a huge difference in sales. Among the concerns raised by consumers was their privacy and the potential for hacking. They also cost more than $1,500. But, with all the benefits of AR glasses, how are they different from other smart watches?

Apple’s own product

Rumors that Apple is developing its own AR glasses are starting to gain traction in the tech world. Jon Prosser recently reported that the company is currently developing a prototype of the wearable technology. These rumors point to a release date in the middle of the decade. The AR glasses will be the final product category overseen by Tim Cook. Apart from this, Apple is also working on a new Apple Car. As per tradition, Apple introduces three major products during the first, second, and third quarters of its fiscal year.


Augmented reality, or AR, is a technology that superimposes virtual elements on real-world scenes. Augmented Reality uses a camera and a head-mounted display sensor to capture real-world scenes and analyzes the data to decide where to overlay virtual elements. Augmented reality can overlay three-dimensional virtual objects in real-time and generates a unique viewpoint for the wearer. As more people adopt AR technology, smart glasses are beginning to take on a more consumer-friendly form.