The Twist is shaped like a giant ironing board, measuring roughly 170 km (105 kilometers ) in length and 25 km (15.5 miles) in diameter.
Iceberg calving a part of this normal cycle, with enormous chunks of ice breaking off the ice cream in fixed intervals. Scientists are not attributing this specific break-off to climate change, and rather think it is a part of their normal cycle of iceberg calving from the area.

When it melts, the fresh iceberg won’t result in a sea level increase, since it had been a part of a floating ice shelf — like a melting ice block does not boost the degree of the beverage in your glass.
Which makes icebergs such as this distinct from glaciers or ice sheets, that can be observed in the world, and that do increase global sea levels if they split off into the sea and melt. If Antarctica’s whole ice sheet were to meltdown, it might increase sea levels by almost 190 ft .

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ESA explained the iceberg was initially seen by Keith Makinson, a polar oceanographer with the British Antarctic Survey a week and supported in the US National Ice Center with ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-1 vision.
The massive chunk of ice hockey is now officially called the A-76. The name may sound a little boring to the world’s biggest iceberg, but it’s based on mathematics. ESA stated icebergs are traditionally termed from the Antarctic quadrant in which they were initially sighted, then a sequential number, subsequently, in the event the iceberg breaks, a successive correspondence.