Renato Noguera, a philosopher, says that you can have weaknesses in a relationship with someone you love.

This Friday, the 25thDaily Reuters Nosso MundoRenato Noguera is a philosopher and writer who was interviewed. She spoke about romantic relationships and was put to the test during the pandemic.

The Colegio Notarial do Brasil has revealed that extrajudicial divorces performed directly in notary offices grew by 15% between 2020, the start year of the pandemic. The average annual growth rate for the past 10 years was less than 2%. Doctor in Philosophy, Noguera is a Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Coordinator of the Research Group Afroperspectivas Saberes e Childhoods.

Lia Bock and Rita Wu interviewed her. Luciana Barreto led the attraction. The Daily Reuters Our WorldCat is available on Fridays at 22.30

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