It is important for students to gain perspective during their studies. Firstly, it’s a fun way to learn about other cultures. And secondly, once you get into the job market, it becomes harder to make time to travel. However, most students are reluctant to travel because of their insufficient funds. Few students know that there are different ways to travel for free, and in this article, we’ll be focusing on how to do just that.

5 Ways to Travel for Free as a Student

Not all journeys require a hefty budget. To make it easy to travel, students can try the following:

  • Freelancing
  • English Tutoring
  • Scholarships 
  • Voluntary Service
  • Use Travel Grants

1. Freelancing 

Freelancing is a quick and easy way to make money. Students can offer their writing skills, photoshop, code, or find another digital skill that will make it easy for them to begin freelancing. There are a lot of networks for freelancers and a ton of remote jobs to apply to. Freelancing allows students to get the opportunity to work in different countries and have their expenses paid by employers; this is especially true for freelancers in tech tracks. 

2. English Tutoring

Many Asian and European countries always look for native English speakers to teach students. You can find websites to apply for these jobs online. You can also get a private tutoring gig which comes with the perk of accommodation. However, when applying for such vacancies, you must be careful and take extra precautions to avoid being scammed. Some countries that need English tutors include Spain, China, Japan, etc. To prove your English proficiency, you need a language certificate. It’s also essential to do research so that you can provide any other required documents. 

3. Scholarships

Applying for scholarships is one of the best ways to travel for free. Fully funded scholarships come with a monthly stipend. If you’re not confident about writing your scholarship application yourself, you can try out some of the best essay writing services online. What’s great is that these scholarships, at times, allow you to explore the job market of the country you’re in, so you can adapt much faster should you decide to stay after your scholarship is over.

4. Voluntary Service

Volunteering for an international organization can increase your chances of travelling for free. However, suppose you’re interested in local travel. In that case, charitable organizations hold outreaches in various locations across different countries, so even if you don’t get to go overseas, you can still travel around your country and help people in need. However, it’s important to add you should only volunteer for the right reasons.

5. Use Travel Grants

A lot of universities offer travel grants for research fellows and postgraduate and undergraduate students that are carrying out research. A travel grant allows you to go to another country to carry out research. So it’s a type of study allowance that universities and student organizations allocate to students. Depending on the nature of your research, you might be required to spend a lot of time moving, so you might want to consider that as well.

Final Thoughts

These are just some ways in which a modern student can afford to travel for free. Pick an opportunity from our list and explore the foreign country while furthering your education, making money or helping those in need. Use the provided resources and become a student traveler in no time!

Author’s Bio

Charlotte Banks is a digital nomad that has been exploring the world while creating digital content. Charlotte loves to spend time in scenic locations, writing in her journal or preparing her newest article. When she’s not doing that, she’s trying out the local cuisine.